The Masonic Tour of Sibiu follows masonic and esoteric symbology as part of the local cultural and educational heritage. It is an exclusive, special tour which will guide you through the old town of Sibiu in a search for the forbidden world, hidden symbols, and secrets of the operative and speculative freemasonry.
It is a complex tour for which I have studied many documents, several years. We’ll walk through the old streets and quares of Sibiu, talkng about the old guilds of constructors and architects (the operative masonry), the Journeymen in Sibiu, the symbols of the freemasons hidden in various places, the great constructions, their local development. We’ll pass then, towards a new era, the Elinghtment, with the speculative masonry and the first masonic lodge in Sibiu.
Of course, we’ll also talk about Samuel von Brukenthal the Great Master Mason of Sibiu, governor of Transylvania in the 18th century. While admiring his palace, we’ll debate about various symbols like the Medusa, Athena’s shield, the owl, Apollo’s instruments, the eye of the Great Architect of the Universe and so many others.
The Universal Freemasonry had a great influence on the local lodge so, we’ll talk about great European and American masons, symbols and events that changed the world. Of course, we’ll learn also about the Illuminati and their story till nowadays.
Join us on this adventure and discover the hidden part of Sibiu!
Meeting place: Sibiu, main square, in front of the Tourist Info Centre
It will be set together with the our guests.
The tour lasts around 2.3hrs and it includes the old town of Sibiu. it is a complex, interesting and why not, fun way of exploring the hidden side of Sibiu. During our tour, we’ll walk along the old streets and squares of Sibiu, admire some of its most important monuments and explore the mystical, unknown sites.
It can be a private or group tour and the minimum age required is 16.